by Carl Taylor | Oct 6, 2024 | Maidencombe, Sladnor
Is the proposed development plan for Sladnot Park compatible with Torbay’s new Climate Action Plan. It appears not. The ‘ambitious’ new action plan named A Greener Way For Our Bay proposes ten key things to help reduce Torbay’s carbon emissions. The...
by socruise | Oct 3, 2024 | Maidencombe, Sladnor
Strongvox Homes presented their proposal for 120 homes on Sladnor Park. Those who attended noted that there were a number of misleading statements such as the developers were going to improve the connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists to Torquay. On questioning...
by socruise | Apr 20, 2021 | Events, Maidencombe
Brim hill closed again for water leak The tell-tale trickle of water down Brim hill could only mean that the ‘everlasting’ leak had surfaced once more and that South West Water would soon be digging up the road – yet again. I took a closer look at...
by socruise | May 25, 2020 | Maidencombe
On Friday afternoon (22nd May) at about 4 pm, residents in Rockhouse Lane were aware of an instance of a wheelie bin being used to ‘dump’ unwanted trash. Two orientals (are we allowed to say Chinese?) were spotted actually perpetrating the nasty deed. They...
by socruise | Aug 3, 2019 | Maidencombe
Our much loved and appreciated postie Joe Croker making his rounds in Maidencombe on his last day. Joe will be celebrating his well earned retirement this evening (Saturday 3rd August) at the Boots & Laces, Torquay United Football Ground from 7:30pm. Thanks Joe...
by Carl Taylor | May 16, 2019 | Maidencombe, Sladnor
The developers of Sladnor Park have submitted a proposal to fell a significant number of trees on the site. The rationale and schedule can be found in the documents section of the PA for Sladnor Park, where they can be downloaded. The proposal amounts to the...